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About us

Matha, Pitha, Guru, Daivam!They are the four strong pillars in the development of a student.My Mathews Educare Pvt. Ltd. joined hands with them to educate and professionally guide each student from the Preschool to their career placement. We offer a complete education and career solutions for both students and educational institutions. About 35,000 students have taken advantage of our services since 2001.

Our services to students/parents start from Pre-school. We offer free career counselling (online & offline), career expo (online & offline), aptitude test and career guidance. It aids the student to select a course or institution globally according to their aptitude, taste, dream and budget. We also offer educational loan assistance for the needy. After choosing the institution, we arrange transportation and accommodation to both students and parents to visit the institution and finally to drop the student at the institution. Parents can peacefully return home using transportation arranged by us. Our company offer placement assistance for the students completing the course. We are slowly spreading our wings globally. Our company will be adding more and more countries, universities and colleges in the long run.

Our services to Institutional management include Institution administration, finance management, legal guidance, marketing, HR, quality assessment, research and development in the education system, Institutional development, social media marketing, branding (online and offline), career counselling, career guidance, admission and placement cell. We have a tie-up with many educational institutions in India and abroad.

Our website, an education portal, is designed to bridge educational institutions and students. Our dedicated team has invested years in building a rich data mine of colleges, universities, other educational institutions and courses across India and abroad. We are still adding we work tirelessly to serve as an aid in the student's education and career development globally in a better way.

Our vision

Our vision is to be reliable and majestic player in the students' education and career development globally.

Our mission

Our mission is to offer open handed support to the students, parents and educational institutions to achieve the dream.

MD & CEO message

Heartly welcome to My Mathews Family!

For student admission or educational institution marketing, you have come to the right place. For years, My Mathews team is serving the students, educational institutes in India & globally. Our marketing asset is happy & globally. Our marketing asset is happy students and satisfied parents.

We don't want to stop there, and we believe in continually improving our services. By adding more options to serve the students, parents and educational institution better and better. Our website: is the outcome of years of our team's effort to provide a platform for students and academic institutions to find each other.

Students, you are the future of the country. Please do make the maximum use of our free services, including career counseling, and career guidance in helping you to select the right course, college and country.

Parents, our educational services start from the point you start thinking of your child’s education. We offer free expertise admission services to school and colleges in India & broad. As a student’s parent, we assure you that the time you are spending with us will be rewarding for you and your child

Educational institutions, it is our pleasure to help you serve better. We are assisting many institutions in growing, and you could be next. We offer Institution administration, finance management, legal guidance, marketing, HR, quality assessment, Institutional development, social media marketing, branding (online and offline), career counseling, career guidance, admission and placement cell. We understand that each institution has unique challenges and needs. So, we offer a tailored package to each institution after listening to their burning problems and doing an expert SWOT analysis of the institution.

Future business partners, we are spreading all over India slowly opening our global wings. We are open for franchising and business collaborations. We are glad to serve as a bridge to find the right course for the student (India & Abroad) and provide tailored institutional support to the educational institutions. And we are welcoming with open hand future business partners to achieve the dream.

Thank You,

Mr Vincent Mathew