List of Best B.Sc Nursing Colleges in Bangalore
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What is the salary package for BSc Nursing professionals in India and abroad?
The salary ranges from INR 2.5 to 8 LPA in India. The salary range for the aspirants outside the country is from $32000 to $102, 500.
NEET is required for admission to B.Sc Nursing Course?
Yes, NEET is required for admission to the BSc
Nursing course.
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What is MSc Medical Surgical Nursing?
Medical Surgical Nursing administers surface treatment and medicines. They are responsible for making the patients aware of their health condition and admit and discharge new patients. The modules related to nursing education and skills needed to teach practicing nurses are included in the study.
Which are the career area related to MSc Mental Health Nursing ?
The candidates could work in the areas like schools, hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation agencies, and other mental health agencies. The graduates are very much in need on various sectors.
Which are the career area related to MSc Mental Health Nursing ?
The candidates could work in the areas like schools, hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation agencies, and other mental health agencies. The graduates are very much in need on various sectors.
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