MCC Online NET PG Medical Counselling

Medical Counselling Committee announces that PG Counselling 2022 (Round 1) Reporting is scheduled to end on 7th October 2022. The joined candidates can resign from the seat of Round 1 starting from 3rd October 2022, 5:00 PM to 10th October 2022, 12:00 (noon). After that schedule, the candidates will be considered part of Round 2 PG Counselling 2022, and the same rules will apply as for Round- 2 of counselling.
The candidates should ensure that their Resignation Letter is generated online through the portal provided by MCC by the allotted college, failing which the resignation will be treated as ‘Null & Void’. In such a situation, the candidate will be deemed to occupy the seat still, and the rules of Round 2 will apply. Only Resignation letters generated through the online portal are eligible. If the candidate is resigning by sending an email to the college, they must ensure that they receive a Resignation Letter generated through the MCC’s online portal; any offline resignation/letter is not permissible.
Suppose the candidate gives consent for upgradation in Round 2, participates in Round2 counselling but is not upgraded. In that case, they cannot resign the seat allotted in Round 2 and will have to retain it. In such a case, the rules of Round 2 will apply since the candidate has exercised choices and participated in Round 2. If the candidate did not upgrade in Round 2, then there is no resignation option. Round-1 joined candidates who neither participate in Round-2 nor resign the seat of Round-1 will be considered part of Round-2 after the stipulated time. Hence, candidates who desire to resign their seat of Round 1 should do so before Round 2 commences, i.e. by 10th October 2022, at noon.
For more information, email the office of MCC at or click the link:
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