Post MBBS Diploma Course Accreditation

Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Family Medicine, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Radio Diagnosis, and Tuberculosis & Chest Disease.
They are recognized medical qualifications as per The Gazette of India notification. NBEMS (National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences) invites applications from the hospitals interested in seeking accreditation for Post MBBS two-year Diploma courses. The Information Bulletin (English Version) has the details for filling up the application form, accreditation fee and minimum accreditation criteria. The information bulletin can also be accessed at the NBEMS website,, under the link “Accreditation”. The application forms can be submitted only in online mode through OAAP (Online Accreditation Application Portal), which is available at the NBEMS website
The online application form submission starts on 11-07-2022 and ends on 12-09-2022. The last date for the receipt of the Hard Copy of the application form at the NBEMS Office is 30-09-2022.
For any queries, clarification and assistance, write to NBEMS at e-mail ID:
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