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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences has large and diverse health education system. There are various types of colleges and institutions offering programmes ranging from Medical, Dental, AYUSH, AHS, Physiotherapy, Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral level, besides research and extension activities. Therefore, the issues and challenges faced by them in reopening their campus also vary considerably. Keeping in view the uncertainties of future due to COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the functioning of universities and colleges, they may plan to reopen their campuses in a phased manner, ensuring safety, health and well-being of all students and staff. They should be flexible in their plan and should be ready to handle any eventuality arising due to COVID-19.It may be difficult to comprehend all the challenges/ circumstances which the institutions affiliated to RGUHS may be required to handle while they plan to reopen. However, some of the issues which they may be required to handle instantly are given in this advisory.