Special Vacancy Filling Allotment to BDS Courses 2021
The vacancies exist in BDS Course after the Mop-up allotment in Government Dental Colleges and Self Financing Dental College for the academic year 2021-22 will be filled through Special Vacancy Filling Allotment. The candidates who are included in the State Medical Rank List published by the Commissioner of Entrance Examination and have the eligibility as mentioned can register new options for Special Vacancy Filling Allotment from 6.05.2022 to 8.05.2022 till 10 AM. Special Vacancy Filling Allotment is conducted only for the vacancies that exist in BDS Course. Transfer of colleges will not be permitted in this allotment phase. The candidates who were allotted to MBBS/BDS Course through All India Counseling are not eligible for Special Vacancy Filling Allotment. The candidates who have already admitted in Medical/Medical Allied Courses through the allotment conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Examination and who were allotted a seat in Medical and Medical Allied Course by Mop-up allotment or Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment will not be considered for this allotment. Candidates can submit their online option registration from 6.05.2022. The last date for option register is 8.05.2022 10 AM, the provisional list of Special Vacancy Filling Allotment will be published on 10.05.2022. The final list of Special Vacancy Filling Allotment will be published on 11.05.2022. The candidates should join the allotted college after paying the fees if applicable as mentioned in the allotment memo from 12.05.2022 to 13.05.2022 till 2 PM. The College authorities must update the details of the candidates admitted through OAMS is 13.05.2022 3 PM. If any vacancies arise after the Special Vacancy Filling Allotment for BDS Course then it will be filled through the procedure of Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment. Details of the Stray Vacancy Filling Allotment will be published later. The details regarding allotment and Government order are available on the website of Commissioner of Entrance Examination www.cee.kerala.gov.in.
For more details contact 0471 2525300
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