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Adichunchanagiri University Mandya


08234 287285

: +91 - 828 101 0854

No.of Views: 133082

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2018
  • Private University
  • Entrance

Interested in this College?

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Ph.D. is a terminal doctoral degree, and while it stands for Doctor of Philosophy, candidates are not required to study this field. In fact, this degree is offered in a variety of subjects within the sciences, humanities and liberal arts fields. Individuals who earn Ph.D.s often use the honorific title 'Doctor' and can qualify for teaching or research positions at colleges and universities.

Ph.D. programs generally include a mixture of coursework and research. Students often begin Ph.D. programs by taking extensive coursework that provides the educational foundation for advanced research. Before advancing to Ph.D. candidate status, they may be required to pass a comprehensive examination and/or qualifying examination, depending on the program.


Post Graduate Degree from a recognized University in M.Tech/MD/M.Pharm /Pharm D / M.Sc. in Bio-Chemistry (Medical). Selected candidates will be paid a monthly fellowship of Rs. 15,000/-(Fifteen Thousands only) + HRA (as applicable) or free accommodation.

Duration: 3-4 years

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