Anuradha School and College of Nursing Bangalore
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2003
- Nursing
- Entrance
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About Us
K.T.G Educational TrustEstd – 1991 the K.T.G. Educational campus well maintained Hygeneic Big Educational Campus in about of 5.1/2, Acres of land in Sy.No.93 & 78/5 Srigandhakaval, Hegganahalli Cross, Bangalore -91. And further available about 10 acres of land in Sy.No 124/5 Karihobanahalli nearest to the main campus for expansion of its activities within the limits of B.B.M.P and provided all basic and academical facilities including well established Male and Female Hostels.
Courses Offered
- Science Lab
- Computer Lab
- Auditorium
- Library
- Hostel
- Canteen
- Transportation
Location & Contacts
Anuradha College of Nursing
Sree Gandhadakaval,
Hegganahalli cross,
Sunkadakatte road,
Vishwaneedam Post,
Website : http://www.ktgedugroup.org/