Arulmigu Meenakshi Amman College of Education Kancheepuram
- College
- Co - Education
- Education College
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About Us
The AMAC-Edu is sponsored and managed by public charitable trust called Meenakshi Ammal Trust was founded as early as 1983 as Thirumathi, Chennai. The members of the trust are eminent personalities in various walks of life such as education and administration. AMAC-Edu will offer High Quality Education in the fields of College of Education, Applied Science and Management through cutting-edge, State-of-the-art programme at graduate, Post-graduate levels.
Courses Offered
- Library
- Lab
- Computer Lab
- Hostel
- Canteen
- Transportation
- Sports
Location & Contacts
Uthiramerur – 603 406 Kancheepuram District.
Tamil Nadu, INDIA
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