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Arunodaya University Itanagar

Itanagar,Arunachal Pradesh,India

: +91 - 828 101 0854

No.of Views: 2170

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2014
  • Private University

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Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)


PG Diploma in Management is a 1-year program offered by Arunodaya University. The administration division envelops a gigantic aspect of India's economy, and has higher development rate than the agribusiness and assembling areas. Administrations firms are individuals arranged inferable from the inclusion of direct cooperation with clients. Clients by and large partake in the administration cycle,frequently through immediate and uncensored association with workers and offices. The subsequent varieties in requests present a test to Managers to successfully utilize the transient assistance limit. This happens in light of the fact that creation and utilizations happens all the while and stock administrations regularly can't keep pace. The course plans to prepare selected aspirants with the ideas and devices to viably deal with a help activity. Directors are experts found in virtually every industry, from air transportation to mining. The objective of these people is regularly to fill in as a feature of a group and encourage the proficient accomplishment of objectives set by chiefs. The position normally requires the capacity to get individuals, give a persuasive presence and sort out assets. The program is intended to outfit qualified up-and-comers with abilities required in the quickly advancing lodging money division,and fabricate imperative capabilities in the fields of space information and delicate aptitudes. The course educational plan incorporates modules, for example, lodging account administration quality, credit the board, tasks, deals, general administration, and relationship the executives. The territories going under administration examines are Human Resource Management, Finance, Logistic Management, Marketing Management, Business Management, Rural Management. Medical services Management. One of the essential targets of the program is to grow top notch the executives experts with cutting edge specialized and administrative aptitudes and a worldwide mentality. It intends to build up a comprehensive and integrative methodology towards the board in the banking and money related administrations enterprises.The administration segment incorporates a huge aspect of India's economy, and has higher development rate than the horticulture and assembling parts. Administrations firms are individuals situated inferable from the contribution of direct cooperation with clients. Clients by and large partake in the administration cycle, frequently through immediate and uncensored communication with representatives and offices. The subsequent varieties in requests present a test to Operations Managers to viably utilize the short-lived administration limit. This happens in light of the fact that creation and utilizations happens at the same time and stock administrations regularly can't keep pace. The course intends to prepare enlisted understudies with the ideas and apparatuses to viably deal with an assistance activity.

Duration : 1 Year

Eligibility : The student must have completed graduation from a recognized university

Higher Studies : The learner will be able to join for PG in Management

Career Opportunities

  • Marketing Strategist
  • Sales Manger
  • Financial Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Financial Analyst

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