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Arunodaya University Itanagar

Itanagar,Arunachal Pradesh,India

: +91 - 828 101 0854

No.of Views: 2170

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2014
  • Private University

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Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management


Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management is a 1 year program of Arunodaya University.Showcasing is a cycle to figure out what items clients might be keen on, sort of methodology to be utilized in Sales, Communications and Business Development. Advertising Management is valuable in any association since promoting is center development of the associations. The course covers essentials of Operations and Marketing Management, HR, Finance, General Management and so forth. The course takes the candidate through the overall standards of the board and gives a comprehensive thought of the administration part while zeroing in fundamentally on advertising related subjects. Understudies are additionally permitted to browse elective subjects so as to make the course more appropriate for their prerequisites. The course builds up the explanatory and thinking capacities of an individual and fabricates a base of hypothetical information on the understudies. The program targets and plans contender for avocation in the deals and showcasing area. It is one of the most testing divisions of industry yet it pulls in probably the most committed, innovative, and capable people. This course causes understudies to improve their administrative aptitudes of the business. The course educational plan continually refreshes by investigating new showcasing methods and gives a superior comprehension of promoting. Promoting chiefs face once of the greatest test in this day and age, to make an advertising arrangement so that it conveys ideal and cost productive outcomes. Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing Management helps in a superior comprehension of showcasing by basically applied in the corporate world. This program helps in understanding different orders of Management and Integrated Marketing Communication, ideas of publicizing deals and advertising, division, focusing on, client relationship the executives, and Global Marketing Strategy. Fruitful Post Graduates can get work in territories-, Publishing Companies,Academic Institutions, Retail Companies, Manufacturing Companies, Advertising Companies, Finance,and Insurance Companies. There are a lot of profession openings accessible after PGDM in Marketing and applicants can win a decent compensation by and large.

Duration : 1 Year

Eligibility : The candidate should have hold graduation from a recognized university

Higher Studies : The candidate can be able to pursue PG courses in Management (MBA Marketing Management)

Career Opportunities

  • Business Development Manager
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Marketing Manger
  • Communication Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Advertising Manger

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