Bengaluru Dr.B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics University Bengaluru
- University
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2017
- State University
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Courses Offered
- Library
- Transportation
- Hostel
- Auditorium
- Canteen
- Sports
- Security
- Medical
Vision & Mission
“The student so trained should learn to distinguish between what may fairly be called matter of fact and what is certainly mere matter of opinion. He should be accustomed to distinguish issues, and to look at separate questions each on its own merits and without an eye to their bearings on some cherished theory. He should learn to state fairly, and even sympathetically the position of those to whose practical conclusions he is most stoutly able to weight evidence, to follow and criticize argument and put his own value on authorities.”
The focus of the Bengaluru Dr. B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics would be to provide state of art learning in Theoretical, Applied Economics and connectivity to other Social Sciences, so that research activities at the School of Economics will be accordingly shaped. The School shall provide knowledge and learning tools for policy development and initiate Public discussions on policies and emerging scenarios in society and economy. Freedom to learn, litheness in teaching and ease in learning leading to androgogy shall be the fundamental model of education.

Location & Contacts
Website : www.base.ac.in