Bhagawan Buddha Homoeopathic Medical College Bangalore
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 1996
- Homeopathy
- Entrance
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About Us
During 1996, in order to serve the rural people, poor sick especially the old, women & children with an economical viable & reliable system of medicine I started BHAGAWAN BUDDHA HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE & HOSPITAL, Bangalore. Nearly 150 students are pursuing Homoeopathic Medical Education. Every week Free Medical Camp conducting in different places of Bangalore Urban & Rural Areas. In order to let the deprived people know their rights I started a monthly Kannada News Magazine “AMBEDKAR VOICE” Recognizing the achievements in the past 30 years the GLOBAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL, New Delhi has awarded with “ RASHTRIYA RATNA AWARD” in the year 2002 and the Government of Karnataka has awarded “ AMBEDKAR AWARD” in the year 2002 April 14th.
Courses Offered

- Library
- Laboratory
- Sports
- Extra curricular activities
Location & Contacts
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