Bharathi Institute of Nursing Sciences Tumkur
No.of Views: 1496
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2003
- Nursing
- Entrance
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About Us
Bharathi Institute of Nursing Sciences Tumkur Karnataka Greetings to each of you who are considering Bharathi Institute of Nursing Sciences as your educational home away from home. We are please to welcome you to this dynamic and unique environment, and look forward to your making this your institution of choice. Education drives the World", hence the necessity for quality education is much more established, to meet and solve the Global demand. We wish all aspirant students an early realization of their academic dreams, I expect your hands to meet and solve the global demand with noble profession. The Success has only one route "Hard Work" To achieve the success you should be disciplined, sincere and respect every one, whom you come across. Bring good name to your Parents and to your institution.
Courses Offered
- Library
- Internet
- Sports & Cultural
- Laboratories
- Computer Lab
- Clinical Facilities
- Transportation