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BLDE University Bijapur


083522 62770

: +91 - 828 101 0854

No.of Views: 79810

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2008

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Value Added Programme in Indian Constitution

Value Added Programme in Indian Constitution


Higher education system in India warrants good awareness, knowledge and sincere efforts to follow by the learned citizens of the Republic regarding the Constitution of India. In an attempt to bridge the gap and to meet the expectations a structured course is planned and implemented with choice based credit system. This course will bring the necessary awareness and ability to understand, respect and follow the Indian Constitution in letter and spirit.

Duration: 20 hrs


A) Knowledge

At the end of MBBS Phase I Course, the student is expected to know

  1. The basics of Indian Constitution.
  2. Democratic Institutions created by Constitution
  3. Special rights created by constitution for regional and linguistic minorities.
  4. Election commission.
  5. Legislative, Executive and Judicial powers and their functions in India.

B) Skills

At the end of MBBS Phase I course, the student in expected to utilize the knowledge

  1. To perform his/her duties towards society judiciously and with conscious effort for self development and towards the development of the nation.
  2. To adopt and follow state policies in their future career and practice.

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