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BNM Institute of Technology Bangalore


No.of Views: 775

  • College
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2001
  • Engineering
  • Entrance

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Vision & Mission


  • To be one of the premier Institutes of Engineering and Management education in the country.


  • To provide Engineering and Management education that meets the needs of human resources in the country.
  • To develop leadership qualities, team spirit and concern for environment in students.

Principal's Message

Welcome to the BNM Institute of Technology, otherwise known as the BNMIT.

The college you see today is a decade in the making.BNMIT started in 2001 as one of the 200 colleges in VTU and is now recognized as the premier academic institution in engineering in VTU. BNMIT provides engineering education and undertakes engineering research that together serves to develop creative technological leaders and advance the frontiers of engineering knowledge. Today’s engineers must be citizens of the world. With global economy comes opportunity and competition. We help our students meet that challenge through a curriculum and culture that embraces innovation.

Our graduate programs incorporate undergraduate, post graduate and doctorate degrees focused on education for Life and not just for livelihood. Its educational programs emphasize the understanding of fundamental principles; facility with experimental, computational, and analytical methods; and a versatility of mind that prepares the individual for a lifetime of learning and professional growth.

BNMIT is a place for people who desire to solve problems, to discover, to create, to design, to invent, and to innovate—and all of this with the goal of having an impact on society. Our academic excellence can be seen in the top ranks achieved by our students in the university examinations.

I assure you that every student coming to the college receives personalized attention and is supported through effective student support services including mentorship, counseling, library facilities including online, hostel facilities and job placement, etc. We are proud of our near perfect student placement with a diverse set of industries. Our alumni have distinguished themselves in many ways, and we expect that future generations will do the same.

With Best Wishes,

Dr. Krishnamurthy G.N

B.E., M.Tech., Ph.D., M.I.S.T.E., M.I.A.E.



  • Library
  • Computer Lab
  • Hostel
  • Transportation
  • Cafeteria
  • Sports
  • Security


  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Information Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


Location & Contacts

12th Main Road, 27th Cross, Banashankari Stage II, Banashankari, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560070

Website :

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