Care Dental College Guntur
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2017
- Dental
- Neet
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About Us
Care Dental College is provided with library of 4000 Sq.Ft. Plinth Area. It is well equipped with all required books as per the norms of Dental Concil of India & Dr.N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijayawada. It is also equipped with computer & Internet connection to the E-Journals & E-Library of the Dr.N.T.R. University of Health Sciences. The Library is provided with photo copying room and vast collection of National & International Journals with annual subscription of the Journals in all Spec
Courses Offered
- Science Lab
- Computer Lab
- Auditorium
- Library
- Hostel
- Canteen
- Transportation

Location & Contacts
Website : http://www.caredentalcollege.com/