Faran College of Nursing Bengaluru Karnataka
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 1991
- Nursing
- Entrance
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About Us
Faran College of Nursing Bengaluru Karnataka The Faran Educational Trust (R) was established in 1991, with the chairmanship of Mr.Meer Ariffulla.The Management & staff of the Faran group of institutions believe that the basic course in nursing is the formal educational preparation with extensive clinical training in the hospital & community based on physical, Biological and social Science.We have responsibility towards students to develop as a professional nurse to care of individuals and society during illness and wellness and also an individuals and a good citizen.
Courses Offered
- Class Rooms
- Laboratory
- Library
- Computer Training
- Clinical Facilities
- Transport

Location & Contacts
Website : www.faraneducationaltrust.com