I.Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University Ukraine
- University
- Co - Education
- ESTD 1957
- Medical Science
- Neet
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Vision & Mission
TSMU’s mission is:
- To train the next generation of highly-skilled professionals for the public health system of Ukraine and other countries by providing quality academic services and adherence to high standards in education, research and training.
- To advance fundamental and applied research in biomedical and pharmacological sciences, to provide leading-edge clinical help and to develop new diagnostic and treatment techniques for the needs of the national system of public health
- To support our students in their pursuit of intellectual, spiritual and professional goals allowing them to become accomplished independent and socially aware individuals.
TSMU is a tertiary medical school at the forefront medical education and exploration. It continually grows and develops, aiming to become a preeminent and enduring academic research institution for training of highly-skilled and competitive professionals that are recognized by their peers worldwide and are confident that their training is in demand in today society.

Location & Contacts
Voli Square, 1, Ternopil, Ternopil's'ka oblast, Ukraine, 46002
Website : www.tdmu.edu.ua