IZEE Business School Bangalore
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2011
- Arts, Science & Commerce
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Courses Offered
Vision & Mission
IZee Business School promotes intellectual discovery, overall development, social and ethical awareness, and economic opportunities for all through an education that transforms lives, builds communities, and improves society.
IZee Business School commits to maintaining high educational standards, to fostering and inspiring student success, and to creating diverse opportunities for life-long learning. By attracting strong leadership and distinguished faculty to a college of excellence, we create an enriched learning environment that empowers students to transform their lives.
Principal's Message
" I am happy that we at IZEE College have made conscious efforts towards molding young minds into creating industry ready, 'plug-and-play' and confident professionals."
The current business environment radar shows trends that are challenging the very fundamentals of business. Changing demographics, competitive markets, technology, globalisation, are the imposed business realities for a manager today. While it is difficult for a course to entirely cater to each possible challenge, one needs to nurture the ability to adapt to the changes underway. I feel students standing on this threshold need to imbibe the following four challenges:
- Concepts - The basics of any business are the crucial foundation on which great successes are built. An understanding of the concepts is a given; the ability to rally around the concept, and brainstorm creative solutions is a competence an organisation seeks.
- Adaptation - Adaptation to change is an ability that is critical in the new order. Adapting can be in the form of re-skilling, or the ability to move on from a traditional and inhibiting mindset. The willingness to scale the learning curve at various inflexion points in your career will set you apart from the crowd.
- Execution - While it is quite easy to plan; what is difficult is to execute. The ability of 'getting things done' is what separates the men from the boys. This is a unique mix of inertia, gut and having what it takes to walk the last mile. Execution is the core skill in management. The ability to envision and synergies resources to reach the goal is a desirable competence.
- Attitude and Integrity - The pivot around which your success are built are the attitude with which you approach your work and the integrity of purpose that you demonstrate. The cliché of attitude determining your altitude is a phrase worth revisiting every now and then.
I am happy that we at IZee College have made conscious efforts towards molding young minds through our extended curriculum directed towards creating industry ready, 'plug-and-play' and confident professionals.
Welcome to this journey!
Prof. Nanjundappa
"Right Person at the Right Place and at the Right Time"- is the prime motive of Effective Placements. There is huge difference between Unemployment and Unemployable. In fact the latter leads to former. Hence it is very important to study the pulse of the job market and Industry expectations to enable Effective Placements. Izee has always been alert and proactive in sensing the ever changing market requirements and grooming the students accordingly to make them Industry ready or Market ready. Campus Placements at IZee is not only about employment, it's about Career Planning, it's not just about jobs its more about Passion.We understand the fact that MBA is the gateway to various sectors/fields, but what will distinguish them from the crowd is the SKILL SETS. Based on this understanding the students are provided various Workshops, Trainings, Industrial Interface, Club Activities, and Corporate Guest Lectures to name few.

Location & Contacts
Website : www.izeebschool.com