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S.T.J.Institute of Technology Ranebennur


No.of Views: 594

  • College
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 1980
  • Engineering
  • Entrance

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Principal's Message

Welcome to STJIT Student Friends

Our Institution is situated in the Central part of Karnataka for the purpose to educate the rural youths and to exhibit in rural mass in all parts of the Globe offering a Comprehensive Technical Education. We compassionate only students needs are a top priority where traditional Indian to get modern Western educational values with respectful encouragement for existence. STJIT leads VTU programmes to provide challenged and emphasized learning with social and personal growth.

As a New Principal of STJIT, I am delightful to endorse the values aligned with trust, respect, innovation and sense of community. I remembered to say the college development is significant to future foundations focusing the quality and for the benefit of our learners. Regular review of curricular and extracurricular activities remains appropriate to the needs of the learners.

College academics emphasizes to gain knowledge, creative/critical thinking, and problem solving abilities of all attending students of our college. We believe that every learner should be unique and special to learn, to educate, and to nurture for preparation for life. Every learner should encourage and appreciate the community who cares for others to becoming global citizens and active respect for the environment.

The STJIT strives forward for excellence by preparing students become lifelong learners to help as self directed, realistic, with responsible decision makers for solving problems. In this globe ultimately each learner should work hard for their survival with their efforts.

Currently, STJIT is affiliated to VTU, Belgaum and recognized by AICTE, New Delhi and GOK.

We strongly believe that importance of collaborating teachers, parents, administrators will communicate open and frequent for the improvement of the quality of tools of communication, interaction, retrieve pertinent information, and children academic achievements. Your regular visit to our institution will know about their academic & Co curricular activities. We look forward your wards in the coming years. Interested parents can contact our college to ask any questions about our programmes we offer.

Dr B Shivakumara
STJIT, Ranebennur

Vision & Mission


Aims at developing STJIT as a premier technical institution by excelling in every aspect of technical education.


Imparting technical education and training in response to the changing needs of industry and society, believing in quality, innovation, ethical and moral standards.


Boys Hostel

Girls Hostels




Reading Room

Phone Facility

Bank & ATM

Departmental Stores

Recreation Room


Browsing Center

Meditation Hall

Seminar Halls with audio-visual

Post Office

Health Clinic

Ladies Waiting Room

Transport - To and Fro transport from City


Location & Contacts

The Principal, STJ Institute of Technology, RANEBENNUR - 581 115, Haveri Dist., Karnataka.

Website :

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