Sengunthar College Of Pharmacy Namakkal
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2017
- Pharmacy
- Tnea
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About Us
Senghundhar College of Pharmacy (SCoP) was established in 2017 with an aim to accomplish distinction in Pharmacy Education. It is affiliated to the prestigious “The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University”, Chennai. It is approved by the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI), New Delhi, under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act and The All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. Here education is redefined to remove the long spell of hibernation in the field of education among the rural students of India. The environment imparts a work ethic, discipline and a set of principles that will give them the edge for their future studies and career.Enhanced hands-on Training, well-established infrastructure, well-resourced Library, Industrial visits, Guest Lectures, Workshops, Symposiums, Conferences and Students Exhibitions, importance given to Sports and Games, Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities and a crew of quick-witted, proficient and professional Faculty Members are the spring of inspiration for the students tosprout with expertise. The care and concern shown on them by our Management, the Principal and the Teaching Members endow them to meet the challenges with ease. Constant review, exclusive focus given on each student and counseling at the pertinent time give accessibility to wheel high. The inestimable buds bloom here spread fragrance all over the Pharma world.
Courses Offered
- Library
- Laboratory
- Computer Lab
- Science Lab
- Transportation
- Hostel
- Cafeteria
- Auditorium
- Sports
- Medical
- Security

Location & Contacts
Website : http://scpt.co.in/