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Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Kalady


0484 2699731

: 828 101 0854

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 1993
  • State University

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Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Philosophy

Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) Philosophy


Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Kalady offers M.Phil Philosophy, an academic research study, with a duration of two years, for students who had done Philosophy during their post-graduation. In addition to theory, practical is also included in the study. The candidates need to conduct research and present their research findings. After the completion of M.Phil program, students could pursue Ph. D program. Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit curriculum includes topics such as Research Methodology, Norman Blaikie: Approaches to Social Enquiry, Polity Press Cambridge, 1993, Basic Concepts of Methodology, Nature of Social Science: Classical and Contemporary Responses, Research Strategies : Inductive and Deductive, Reproductive and Abductive, Richard Viet, Christopher Gould, and John Clifford: Writing Reading and Research (Second Edition), Macmillan, New York, 1985, Beginning a Research Project, Finding Library Sources, Putting your Resources to Work, Paraphrasing Sources and quoting sources, Bibliography (MLA Format), Chapter A, Group A: First Half Optional Papers, Group B Second Half (Optional Papers), Two Term Papers, Two Seminars, Dissertation and so on. The area of employment include civil service, advertising, marketing and public relations, investment banks, schools, colleges, universities, research organizations and so on. The students are employed as Assistant Professors, Professors, Novelist, Non-fiction Writer, Chief Executive, Journalist, Content Editors, Content Writers, Subject Matter Experts and so on.

Duration: 2 years


  • Ph.D in Philosophy

Career Opportunities

  • Assistant Professors
  • Professors
  • Novelist
  • Non-fiction Writer
  • Chief Executive
  • Journalist
  • Content Editors
  • Content Writers
  • Subject Matter Experts

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