Taranath Government Ayurvedic Medical College Bellary
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 1947
- Ayurveda
- Entrance
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About Us
Taranath Government Ayurvedic Medical College Bellary Karnataka Taranath Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bellary was a private institute before 1976. Earlier the college was managed by private trust started in the name of Taranath Ayurveda Vidyapeet. Registered Trust was established by the disciples in the name of Pt.Taranathji. Pandit Taranathji established an institute “Premayatana or Prema VidyaPeet” which was under Madras province on the bank of Tungabadra near Tungabadra village, where he used to preach Ayurveda, Yoga, Music, etc., in the Gurukula style. The Ayurvedic diploma offered by this institute was recognized by then Government of Madras.
Courses Offered
- Library
- Laboratory
- Hostel
- Cafeteria
- Transportation
- Medical
- Sports
Location & Contacts
Website : www.tgamcballari.org