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Yenepoya University Mangalore


0824 220 6000

: +91 - 828 101 0854


No.of Views: 40895

  • University
  • Co - Education
  • ESTD 2009
  • Medicine

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Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) 


Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) is an undergraduate degree course in the field of Pharmacy education. A Bachelor of Pharmacy is an undergraduate academic degree in the field of pharmacy. In many countries, this degree is a prerequisite for registration to practice as a pharmacist. 


 For admission to the Pharmacy courses, student must have passed class 12th with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics/Biology. Students have to secure a minimumof 50% marks in the qualifying examination. Students, those pass the three year Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm) are also eligible.

Duration: The duration of this course is 4 years.

Higher Studies 

After a B.Pharm in pharmacy there are various opportunities for students, they can either go for higher studies like M.Pharm, MBA. or Ph.D degrees for improving their skills and up gradation of their degree or they can go for jobs in the chemical companies, research institutes ,Pharma companies ,even universities and colleges.

Career Opportunities

  • Be a professor for D Pharm.
  • Work with R & D ( often people with phd will get good opportunities here).
  • Work with registration department for international market ( this has very low pay). Many pharma companies cater to international markets and require B Pharms for this.
  • Start your own medical shop, this needs investment minimum 7–8 Lac.
  • Work as pharmacist at corporate hospitals.
  • Work as medical underwriter with insurance companies.
  • Work in sales with pharmaceutical, but you will be overqualified for this job and pay at starting level is not good. Also there are sales managers from B Com , Bsc even BA background eventually you might not enjoy working with such people. But if you are smart and capable you can grow upto higher level with very good salary.
  • Get graduated in MBA, marketing and work with pharmaceuticals in marketing department, this is a good option , your career will start as brand manager and you can grow well from here, pay scale is also good. You can grow upto GM and VP level.
  • Pursue MS outside country…this is an excellent career option, but highly expensive and day by day all countries are tightening regulations for foreigners.

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