List of Pharmacy Colleges in Mysore
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What are the eligibility criteria for the B.Pharm course?
The applicant must pass 10+2/ equivalent from a recognized board. The applicant must also have at least 50% marks in the plus two exams. He must have studied physics, chemistry, biology/mathematics, and English as subjects.
What is the difference between Pharm D and Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate)?
The Pharm D program is available in two formats. The regular Pharm D program is six years (5 years + 1-year Internship), and the student is eligible to join this program after successfully completing plus two (Science stream). In comparison, Pharm D (Post- Baccalaureate) program is three years long and can be pursued after completingB.Pharm. TheB.Pharm graduates can be admitted as lateral entry to the 4th year of the Pharm.Dprogram. They have two years of academic study with clinical training and rotatory specialty units posting in multi-specialty hospitals with training in the drug information center, pharmacy, and one-year compulsory Internship in the hospital.
What courses can you do after M.Pharm ?
After M.Pharm, the students who are serious about a research-based career can do a Ph.D. The management role aspirant students can consider options like MBA and Masters of Hospital Administration.
What courses can you do after D.Pharm ?
Pharmacy Diploma holders interested in pursuing higher studies can join the second year of the B.Pharm course as lateral entry.
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