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My Mathews Educare Pvt. Ltd. Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions


Please read our privacy policy carefully. By visiting our site, you agree that you understand, agree and consent to our Terms& Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Website/Company Overview:

Welcome to, official website and Edu portal of My Mathews Educare Pvt. Ltd. We are educational service consultancies. We serve a bridge between Educational Institutions and Students. Our services to Institutional management include college administration (Finance management, legal guidance, marketing, HR, quality assessment, Institutional development, social media marketing, branding (online and offline), career counselling, career guidance, admission, placement cell). We help students to choose a course according to their aptitude at an appropriate college suiting their taste, budget, lifestyle and dreams. Our services to students include career counselling, career guidance, course advising, admission procedure, scholarships, educational loan assistance etc. These services to students are free of cost. is designed mainly to provide necessary data and information for students about the various educational institutions and courses across India and abroad.

Information collected by the website and usage:

We collect personal data from you directly, mainly using signup forms. This information is collected only to serve you better by providing tailored and customized information about courses, fees, universities etc. We don’t collect irrelevant personal information.

We may indirectly collect data from you using web tracking tools, third-party social media sites and weblogs. It is used only to improve our business and serve you better. Processed data may be shared with our advisors to enhance the efficiency of business and website.

Opt-in e-mails maybe send to you to keep you informed. But you can unsubscribe from our e-mails any time using the unsubscribe button.

Cookies and IP data may be used to provide more relevant results and help you efficiently.

We may indirectly or directly collect your demographic details to improve our business and to help you serve better.

We don’t sell any information collected to third parties.

The third-party content:

The users providing “The testimonials” understand and agree that we would display it on our website, brochures, other print and non-print media. We may also share it with our associated institutions.

By using this website, users agree not to use any foul or offensive language in any forum or publicly available comment section.

We are not responsible for any third-party content which includes but not limited to the use of foul language, reviews and comments about institutions.

We hold no guarantee or assume any responsibilities for the content made available on our site by users, third parties, advertisers and also of external links shared.

Intellectual property rights:

Unless otherwise stated, My Mathews Educare Pvt. Ltd holds the sole rights of all digital content of our website. However, some contents used in this site were collected from other educational related sites, including colleges/ institutions. This was published in our website strictly for information and identification purpose only. And we don’t claim Intellectual property rights of it.

My Mathews Educare Pvt. Ltd reserve the right to change the privacy policy anytime.

For clarification, Contact :
Phone: 91-9901636600
Last updated on 19th Nov 2020