Amala Nursing College Thrissur
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2005
- Nursing
- Entrance Exam( Lbscst)
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About Us
Amala College of Nursing is a unit of Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, under the auspices of CMI Devamatha Province. It was established in 2005, with an intake of 50 students. It is recognized by INC and KNC, and is affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences. The college offers basic B.Sc. Nursing programme and M.Sc. Nursing programme.
Courses Offered
- Library
- Laboratory
- Hostel
- Cafeteria
- Transportation
- Auditorium
- Sports
- Medical
- Security
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Child Health Nursing
- Mental Health Nursing
- Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing

Location & Contacts
Amalanagar, Thrissur, Kerala 680555
Website : http://www.amalanursingcollege.org/