Azim Premji University Bangalore
- University
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2010
- Private University
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Courses Offered
Vision & Mission
Education for Social Change
To contribute to the realisation of a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society.
Azim Premji University will create outstanding and effective programmes that -
- Prepare graduates with great competence, integrity and social commitment.
- Expand the frontiers of knowledge in education, development and allied fields through research.
- Support and enhance the work of the education and development sectors in the country through continuing education.
- Contribute to change in policy and practice in the Indian education and development sectors through advocacy and public communication.
Location & Contacts
PES Campus, Pixel Park, B Block Electronics City, Hosur Road (Beside NICE Road), Bengaluru – 560100
Website : www.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in