Bangalore Technological Institute Bangalore
- College
- Co - Education
- ESTD 2010
- Engineering
- Entrance
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Courses Offered
Principal's Message
B.E, M.Tech, Ph.D
Principal, BTI
If a career in engineering is your dream then you've come to the right place. BTI will help to realize the career dreams of several thousand youngsters.If you ask me what sets BTI distinct from the herd of engineering colleges in India, my answer is just one simple word - PASSION. The passion create facilities that are on par with international universities. The passion to innovate and develop distinct teaching methodologies. The passion to create successful careers in engineering and management. The passion to deliver the best, at all times.
Also BTI is established as a unique Engineering College along with an autonomous Society entitled "BESTAR"- BANGALORE EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT AND RESEARCH for accomplishing academic excellence through research and development activities. This enforcement to attain highest standard entails the appointment of highly qualified, teaching and research savvy academicians and technocrats. This innovative approach not only gives them an inquistive bent of mind but encourages them to think out-of-the-box. Also, students gain the confidence to face challenges in the real world.
With a team of well qualified, experienced and motivated faculty, I am confident that the engineers going out of this Institution will not only be humane but will be capable of facing the present day competitive global challenges.So, go ahead, broaden your horizons and get set for an unbeatable learning experience at BTI.
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Library
- Laboratory
- Computer Lab
- Hostel
- Cafeteria
- Transportation
- Sports
- Auditorium
- Medical
- Security
Vision & Mission
- To evolve as a centre of excellence in academics, research and development to impart technological advancement to the society.
- To provide the young prospective engineers with an environment conducive for higher education and research. Our motto is to mould them as responsible citizens with an attitude to use their knowledge and scientific temper to uplift the downtrodden and improve the quality of life of fellow human beings.
Location & Contacts
Website : http://btibangalore.org/